Eden Weimaraners presents Olivia & Horatio puppies

This blog will follow Olivia, CH Eden N Nimble's Maine Attraction JH, NSD, NRD, V through her pregancy and birth of her litter of puppies with Ch Eden's Horatio, Horatio or Mr. H. as he is also called. Please come back often for updates and lots of photos!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I received these beautiful photos of Puck today. What a handsome boy he is! If you have one of the puppies, send photos! I would love to add them to the blog.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My sweet Sasha Rooskie

He is so sweet and has this little face that just makes you smile. He is doing great with his potty training and is wonderful in his crate.

All the babies are doing great in their new homes. I love hearing how smart and wonderful they all are. Training seems to be very easy for the babies. Of course I love this :).

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Daphne's new collar

Daph got a big girl collar today. She got a pink Dublin dog collar. Of course it is pink and has white Daisy's on it!
I really love this baby. She is incredibly smart!

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Beautiful Puck

My sweet boy looks beautiful in his new yard! All the puppies are doing great and getting settled in their new homes. I am amazed at how quickly most of the puppies have taken to crate training. I just started crating both Daph and Sasha (Busy). Daph cried for a little bit but Sasha was very very quiet. I have never had it so easy with crate training :).
My puppies are so wonderful!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bentley went home today

Bentley is on his way to his new home with his new Mom and Dad, Joe and Britney! Joe and Britney just got married last weekend and they are already starting their family with a new baby. I know Bentley will fit in perfectly with them!

I have just 3 babies now and Sara is going tonight.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Meet Marie & Turk (Blue)

Turk is on his way to Montana! I was SO happy to finally meet Marie. It is hard to promise someone you have not met a puppy but I have just loved Marie since the first time we spoke on the phone. After meeting in person, I couldn't be happier for Turk! He is joining another Weimaraner, Clint and two Portuguese Water Dogs.

I am down to four babies in the house. Things are getting back to normal around here.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Cold Daphne

Bad iphone photo.
Poor little Daphne got very cold after her run in the rain yesterday evening. Like most Weimaraners she enjoys being cozy and was quite happy to wear my sweatshirt while waiting for her dinner.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Walk in the rain

Byron and I took all 5 puppies out for some exercise with the big dogs. It was raining just a little when we got there and was pretty much a downpour by the time we left. I had 9 very wet dogs!

Great photos!

Here are a few photos that Kate took when her family came to see the babies last weekend!
Thanks Kate! They turned out great!

Crissy getting attacked by babies!

Kate playing with Purple girl (I have named her Sara).

My sweet blue boy Turk