Eden Weimaraners presents Olivia & Horatio puppies

This blog will follow Olivia, CH Eden N Nimble's Maine Attraction JH, NSD, NRD, V through her pregancy and birth of her litter of puppies with Ch Eden's Horatio, Horatio or Mr. H. as he is also called. Please come back often for updates and lots of photos!

Monday, August 16, 2010

A little stressed lately

HUGE Thank You to my friends Lani and Marcie! I came home from work today and they were already here at my house. They had the babies outside and had all their nails done and had already gotten all their 4 week portrait photos. It was SOOOO nice of them and I appreciate it more I can say.

A little worried and stressed. Nina is not acting like herself the past few days. She will eat some things but not everything. And if you know Nina Ricci, you know one of her favorite things in life is to eat. She doesn't appear to be feeling real good. I am going to make her a appt. in the morning. My vet is off until Thursday though and it is so hard to get a appt with him right away. Send good thoughts Nina's way please!

A very good friend of mine was in a horrible car accident on Saturday night. I have known Laurie for 16 years. We got our first Weimaraners about the same time and have been good friends since. She is truly one of the nicest people I have ever met. She is in a coma at a hospital in Eastern WA. She was not stable enough to transport to Harborview.
Please send good thoughts Laurie's way. Even if you don't know her, you would love her if you did.

Babies are doing great! Their four week old photos are so adorable I barely stand it!

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