Eden Weimaraners presents Olivia & Horatio puppies

This blog will follow Olivia, CH Eden N Nimble's Maine Attraction JH, NSD, NRD, V through her pregancy and birth of her litter of puppies with Ch Eden's Horatio, Horatio or Mr. H. as he is also called. Please come back often for updates and lots of photos!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sweet baby

Babies are doing great! They slept downstairs for the first time last night and did wonderfully. No more baby whelping box! I put a crate in the pen for them and a few have gone in. I think within a few days they will all be trying to fit inside. I will add a second crate very soon.

I feel so bad and am a horrible caretaker! Lani was over last night and found at least four or five puppies that still had stitches in their tails! I totally have not noticed. I know my close up eyesight has gotten much worse in the past four years but I can't believe I over looked so many.
So glad Lani caught that! We got all the stiches out and everyone is fine!

1 comment:

  1. They were not easy to see!! They were hidden in there... glad we got them, though. And, the babies were very, very good about it, too.

    Don't forget about their teeth, little buggers have teeth coming in... and they clearly were recently sharpened! :)
