Eden Weimaraners presents Olivia & Horatio puppies

This blog will follow Olivia, CH Eden N Nimble's Maine Attraction JH, NSD, NRD, V through her pregancy and birth of her litter of puppies with Ch Eden's Horatio, Horatio or Mr. H. as he is also called. Please come back often for updates and lots of photos!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

2 week photos

I am missing a few of the puppies for their 2 week photos. I know we took them so I just need to find them!

Orange Boy
Love my sweet Orange boy. He is the largest boy and he reminds me a lot of his Dad, Horatio. He has a very square, masculine head.

Red Boy
Love my Red boy too! Red boy is doing great. He was the first one to be up on his feet exploring the whelping box.

Purple Girl
My little Doll. She is very playful and I love how she is always smiling in her photos.

Orange Girl
Love this girl! Usually I have my favorites by the time the puppies are this old but I really don't with this litter. I love them all. Orange is a sweetie pie. She likes to talk maybe a little more then her sisters.

Green Boy
Green Boy is my doll too. He is many people's favorite. He loves to cuddle and is sweet and laid back.

Candy Girl
The Character. Who doesn't love Candy! I have their latest weights all written down at home and will have to add them later. Candy is over 3 lbs. though! The largest puppy, bigger then all her brothers.

Blue Boy
Love my Blue Boy. Like his brothers, Blue boy is very sweet, playful and CUTE!


  1. Olivia was a "talker" ! but it started at three weeks. She was a screamer really and would only quiet down if held...she was my sister's favorite and quite the princess :-D

  2. I am loving all the pictures. What is orange boy's temparment like? S. Dixon
