Eden Weimaraners presents Olivia & Horatio puppies

This blog will follow Olivia, CH Eden N Nimble's Maine Attraction JH, NSD, NRD, V through her pregancy and birth of her litter of puppies with Ch Eden's Horatio, Horatio or Mr. H. as he is also called. Please come back often for updates and lots of photos!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The work has started

The babies have turned into little dogs in the past few days! My work has begun! The first few weeks Olivia did everything as far as cleaning up after them. The Mother dog eats their pee and poop! She is still doing that but the puppies are able to go on their own now and if Olivia isn't there, it gets everywhere with 10 puppies!

We are going to set up the puppy pen downstairs this weekend and I am also going to start them on a little bit of food this week. They grow too fast!

I took 2 week old portraits of them last night but I haven't had time to go through them all and post each of them. Hopefully tonight!

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